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下載完後會有TIME HACK資料夾,
裡面有兩個檔案一個就是 time hack,
一個就是 undo time hack,
不妨試試看下面code in 終端機程式:
To enable
defaults write TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1
To disable
defaults write TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 0
Time Machine Error(Time Machine 錯誤)
The backup disk image could not be created.
此方法保證可用!有問題請留言1. In System Preferences, turn Time Machine off.(先把時間機器關掉)
2. Find the MAC address of the machine’s internal Ethernet port by typing at the prompt (not including quotation marks:(找出你的網路卡號)
"ifconfig en0 | grep ether"
This should produce a single line of output, such as:
ether 00:16:cb:af:91:d7
Even if the network backups will be done using a different port (e.g. AirPort: usually “en1″) the system will use the address of en0 as part of the system identifier.
If your computer's (not your hard disk's) name is "Mac", the identifier that Time Machine will use is “Mac_0016cbaf91d7"(把你的電腦名稱加上_接上去冒號的網路卡號)
3. Create a new sparsebundle directly on the Time Capsule share. Decide how many gigabytes in size you want it to be, and substitute the figure you want for "125" below. Be sure to append the "g" for gigabytes. The easiest way to do this is to type after the prompt:
(開啟終端機程式輸入下面的指令 backup of mac的mac部分請改成你的電腦名稱)
"hdiutil create -size 125g -fs HFSX -volname "Backup of Mac"
and then, without hitting return, dragging the Time Capsule volume appearing on your desktop directly from the desktop into the Terminal window (assuming you have the Finder set to display connected servers). So if the name of the Time Capsule volume is "david", the final command should look something like this:(把說要制作的目錄拉到終端機的畫面,最好是電腦本身的目錄,先別直接用網路上的芳鄰連出來的硬碟,這樣會導致失敗)
hdiutil create -size 125g -fs HFSX -volname "Backup of Mac" /Volumes/david/Mac_0016cbaf91d7.sparsebundle
Note that in place of "david" would be whatever the name of the particular Time Capsule volume you have chosen (I use "Secure Shared Disks: With Accounts" under Disks > File Sharing in AirPort Utility , so volumes for each account name are created).
Hit return. You should see:
created: /Users/david/Mac_0016cbaf91d7.sparsebundle
(補充 將生產好的Mac_0016cbaf91d7.sparsebundle檔案
放到網路上的芳鄰要給time machine使用的空間)
4. Now double-click that .sparsebundle file residing on
your Time Capsule volume, and it should mount.
(放到網路上的芳鄰的檔案 點兩下 等會兒讓它被植入成硬碟
5. Launch Disk Utility 啟動磁碟工具程式
6. Choose "Backup of Mac" in the Disk Utility sidebar 選擇你剛剛取的硬碟名
7. Click on the button "Enable Journaling" 啟動日誌功能
Note: the reason why I do this is because in the course of testing, I found that Time Machine created .sparsebundle files which when mounted had filesystems that were both case-sensitive and journaled, and the hdiutil command apparently doesn't allow one to create a .sparsebundle file with both of these attributes simultaneously.
8. Unmount "Backup of Magpie" 卸除創造的磁碟
9. Open the Time Machine prefpane, and select "magpie" as the new destination for Time Machine backups
10. Turn Time Machine on 開啟時間機器 開始享受吧!
修復time machine不能連的原因原文出處